Our First 25 Years

On January 1, 1999, Whole Kids Outreach began serving the beautiful families of the Missouri Ozarks. We've had some lean years and close calls, but we never gave up because our families needed us and our supporters (you!) helped make it all possible. The videos below showcase the development of Whole Kids Outreach, recognizing our staff, volunteers, donors, supporting animals and, most importantly, the families and children we have served. Here’s to the next 25!

(A new video will be added each week.)


What an amazing journey so far! Here’s how we started.

“Like” and “Share” on Facebook if you see yourself or someone you know in the video!


With the help of many hearts and hands, our campus in Ellington has grown quite a bit, from one crowded house to the beautiful place you see here.  

“Like” and “Share” on Facebook if you see yourself or someone you know in the video!


Making a difference with Home Visits through the years.  

“Like” and “Share” on Facebook if you see yourself or someone you know in the video!


Camp Whole kids has always been about fun, learning, and growth.

“Like” and “Share” on Facebook if you see yourself or someone you know in the video!


We are grateful for our families, staff, friends and neighbors and, of course, all the animals that have been a part of Whole Kids over the years. They are truly the Guardians of our Hearts.

“Like” and “Share” on Facebook if you see yourself or someone you know in the video!


Our Volunteers and our Donors are the best! We couldn’t do it without them.

“Like” and “Share” on Facebook if you see yourself or someone you know in the video!


Our Annual Christmas Store provides toys for close to 1,500 children!

“Like” and “Share” on Facebook if you see yourself or someone you know in the video!


Heroes for Whole Kids

WKO believes that children must be protected, loved, and cherished - and our goal is to help make that possible!

For 25 years, WKO has worked hard to empower families to improve the well-being of children who are at risk for poor health and maltreatment in the Missouri Ozarks. Through programs in family’s homes, at our campuses, and in the service community, we’re making a difference in present and future generations!

As part of our year-long celebration of WKO’s 25th anniversary serving children, we are kicking off a Heroes for Whole Kids monthly giving program!

If we can get enough friends to make even small monthly donations, it’ll go a long way to help WKO reach over 2,000 parents and their children each year!

We would love to count you as one of our founding members—Our work relies on the support of generous donors like you. Are You ready to be a Hero....a Hero for Whole Kids?

Our goal for this anniversary year is to reach $35,000 in total monthly donations. Here’s how we’re doing so far!

  • Yes! Whole Kids Outreach is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization; your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We’ll send it to you upon successful completion of your donation. Tax ID-43-1839370

  • WKO's state tax programs allow you to direct your tax dollars by making a cash or stock donation to Whole Kids while supporting the good work we do for our state’s most vulnerable children.

    When available, Whole Kids Outreach will offer 50% Missouri state Youth Opportunity Program (YOP) tax credits for either a one-time donation of at least $1,200 or at least $100/mo.

    YOP Elibible Donors:

    • Anyone with a Missouri Tax liability

  • Item descriptioWKO's state tax programs allow you to direct your tax dollars by making a cash or stock donation to Whole Kids while supporting the good work we do for our state’s most vulnerable children.

    For eligible donors, WKO also has 70% Missouri Neighborhood Assistance state tax credits for one-time donations of at least $10,000 or $833/month. Please call Sr. Anne at 573-663-3257 to check on the availability of NAP credits before donating.

    NAP Eligible Donors:

    The Department of Economic Development (DED) will issue 50% or 70% tax credits to an eligible taxpayer who makes a qualified contribution to an approved Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP) project.

    • Businesses

    • Individuals who operate a sole proprietorship, operate a farm, have a rental property, or have royalty income.

    • Shareholders in an S-corporation, a partner in a Partnership or a member of a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC)